First of all, I just want to say that I don't do horror movies. Psychological thrillers are one thing, but doing or watching something for the sake of getting scared has never been a thing for me. But every so often a film comes around that strikes my morbid curiosity, and I have to force myself to watch it. IT was one of those movies. The trailers really sucked me in even with my noted fear of clowns. So tonight my wife and I took the plunge and finally saw IT.
" But every so often a film comes around that strikes my morbid curiosity, and I have to force myself to watch it. IT was one of those movies. "
Right from the start this movie is unapologetic about what it is and what's to come. And for that I both commend it and revere it for letting me know that everything was not going to be ok. I was in a constant state of panic from that point on and the movie never let up. Sure there were calm parts in between to build up the characters. But the fear was such a constant looming presence that you just couldn't shake it no matter what was going on.
“ I was in a constant state of panic from that point on and the movie never let up. ”
The movie overall was extremely well made. I enjoyed getting to know the kids and the "coming of age" style story that was a part of it. It was incredibly funny but not in an overbearing way. It's just the way you would hope your friends would react if it was happening to you. The scares were genuine and much more than just pop out moments. Although there were plenty of those as well. They were moments that stuck with you long after they were over.
So overall I can say that I "enjoyed" the movie and I'm "glad" I saw it on the big screen. But I can't say I will be revisiting this one again. At least not until chapter 2 comes out I guess. Needless to say I won't be sleeping very well the next few nights. So if you need me I'll be washing my eyes and brain with bleach as I watch the Care Bears on repeat to get me somewhat back to neutral.
Good night and good luck. 😳
Rating: 9/10