"This film is the hard look in the mirror that America doesn’t want but needs to have right now."

This film is the hard look in the mirror that America doesn’t want but needs to have right now. Even though it is set in the 70’s, it pulls some obvious similarities to events in our present day. Which of course is no mistake or coincidence by the director/writer Spike Lee.
This was the perfect time to bring this story to light. A Black man and Jewish man infiltrating a chapter of the KKK to gain information and stop atrocities. I can’t think of a better way to exemplify the fight for hope and change in the darkest of times. Of course things aren’t always as clean cut as they are in the movies. And this film does a great job by not shying away from what things were really like back then and even now.
“ This movie is not for the faint of heart or easily offended. It is meant to grab you and shake you awake to our reality. ”
This movie is not for the faint of heart or easily offended. It is meant to grab you and shake you awake to our reality. To show you how we are doomed to keep repeating our mistakes from years past until we decide enough is enough. Some might call it “preachy”, but I would call them small minded. This story plays out in a way that not only tugs on your heartstrings; but also finds ways to poke fun at what would normally be considered racist situational humor. To let you know that they know how ridiculous and outlandish what is happening truly is.
However at the end of the day isn’t that what art was meant to do? To stir emotion and make you think or question. Well in that regard I believe that this film more than succeeded. I would like to take a moment to also mention how great the two leads were. John David Washington and Adam Driver especially surprised me by the conviction yet levity they brought to their prospective roles. Looking forward to seeing more from them in the future. Outside of the obvious franchise lead for the latter.
Rating: 8.5/10