This film was the perfect blend of heart, humor, gut wrenching emotions, and of course jaw dropping sound and visuals.

This film was the perfect blend of heart, humor, gut wrenching emotions, and of course jaw dropping sound and visuals. The story and sheer power of Queen cannot be contained in a 2 hour experience. However I doubt you’ll find a better example of that than this film.
My heart soared every time Freddy took the stage. My eyes filled to the brim with tears with every emotion filled word spoke or lyric sang. Rami Malik’s portrayal was nothing short of inspired; he truly became Mercury and you believed every moment he was on screen.
The supporting cast surrounding him was just as fantastic. Particularly Lucy Boynton who played Mary Austin in the movie. Her relationship with Freddy was beautiful and painful all at the same time. You felt the love between them regardless of circumstance, distance or time.
My one qualm with this movie comes from the second act. This is where the story lies heavy on showing the ultimately toxic relationship between Paul and Freddy. While a necessary plot point for the overall story. I felt as though it was lingered on a bit too much. I would’ve rather seen more of the aftermath rather than so much why and how.
At the end of the day this film has so much going for it. I believe that it can reach so many people in so many ways. Whether you’re a fan of music or film; this bridges the gap between the drama of a biopic and the heart pounding experience of a live concert. I highly recommend seeing this in the biggest, loudest theater possible.
You won’t regret it.
Rating: 8.5/10