This is by far one of the funniest movies I’ve seen all year! No seriously. The dynamic of the video game alter egos playing their teenage counterparts was a schtick I worried might get old. But far from it, in fact it delivered in spades.
“ Jack Black was absolutely hilarious throughout this movie. There was literally a scene that I couldn’t breath from laughing so hard. ”
Jack Black was absolutely hilarious throughout this movie. There was literally a scene that I couldn’t breath from laughing so hard. Also can I just say that’s it’s been way to long since I’ve seen him rock the big screen and Hollywood seriously needs to change that.
Dwayne Johnson was great at playing a more toned down timid version of himself. But of course was able to still kick ass when the opportunity presented itself. He even got to play around and poke fun at some of his usual tropes. Kevin Hart was... well he was Kevin Hart, but in the best way. His back and forth with Dwayne’s character was one of the best parts of this film.
This movie surprised the hell out of me to be honest. I was so worried that this might ruin the nostalgia I feel when I hear the name Jumanji. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. They took this “lore” if you will and carried it on while respecting what came before. In my opinion this was the best possible way to bring this franchise into the modern day. And I highly suggest you rush out and see this movie with the as many people as possible. This is meant to be scene with a large, laugh out loud crowd. So get on it!
Rating: 9/10