A very divisive film....is there hope of a future for this universe after all?

One quick note...
Unlike most of my reviews I thought it would be best to let everything sink in and settle before making my final decision on where I stand. I actually ended up seeing this film twice in a matter of just two days. Mainly because my experience the first time around was somewhat ruined due to extenuating circumstances. So I felt that my judgement may have been affected in certain ways. However after watching the movie a second time in probably the best theater possible I’d say I’m ready to get down to it.
" Justice League will be a very divisive film in my opinion. "
Not in the way that BVS was where half the people loved it and the other hated it overall. It’s more along the lines of a personal division. Where you’ll like certain aspects of the film and dislike others. So it’s almost to where you’re not fully sure how to feel about what you saw.
For example I really enjoyed all the characters of the JL. Each one brought something different to the table. And yet complemented each other so well. Which of course is what you want to see in a team up movie like this. However due to it’s short run time, they weren’t really able to give us a lot of backstory or time with the new additions. Specifically before they were thrust into the full team dynamic. Least of these was Cyborg; who in my opinion really got the short end of the stick.
Then you have the villain Steppenwolf. What can I say about this guy.
A big bad unfortunately muddled up by his overly CGI’d body and face. I know that seems redundant being how much of this and other movies are done mainly with computer graphics. But this was so much more than just that. Every time he was on screen it took me right out of the film. It looked like something straight out of a video game. Definitely not to the standard you would expect from such a high budget blockbuster. And once again I believe due to the shortness of the film we lost a lot of context to his character and motivation. Which made his inevitable demise a lot less rewarding.
" This is by no means a bad movie, but it’s not a great movie either. "
Overall it left me feeling very underwhelmed. And as disappointing as that may be, this film still gives me hope that there could be a future for this universe after all.
The box office reports may say otherwise. But I believe that things are slowly but surely heading in a better direction. Only time will tell if they get the chance to do it.
There is so much more I could get into with this movie. However I feel that it would be a bit redundant and unnecessary at this point. This film has more than enough press, whether good or bad on it already. So I’m sure all of you out there are more than capable of making up your own mind. However if I could, I’d like to leave you with one final note.
Go see this movie. Go with an open mind and the imaginative heart of your younger self. Marvel at your childhood heroes being fully realized and joining together on the big screen. Something that a lot of us never thought could happen. If you do I’m sure you’ll have something positive to take away from this experience. Thanks for reading!
#JusticLeagueMovie #MovieReviews #Backtothefeature #WB #Batman #Superman #DCComics #WonderWoman #Flash #Aquaman #Cyborg
Rating: 6.5/10