This was a big, dumb fun, action packed ride. Full of crazy destruction and just enough story and plot development to get by. Which in reality is all you can really ask for in a movie based on a monster arcade game. They did a great job when it came to having you connect with George (the gorilla) from the start. Which paid off well in the third act.
“ The Rock was... well he was what you expected The Rock to be. ”
The Rock was... well he was what you expected The Rock to be. Which is not a bad thing mind you. The only real issue I had character wise was with his costar. Overall she felt a little flat to me with her lines and delivery. I’m not expecting a classically trained actor for a movie like this. But when someone like The Rock is acting circles around you, I think it’s time to step it up a notch. The crazy part was she had a pretty deep backstory, but it was moved over so quickly due to the way she portrayed it.
But let’s get back to what really matters in this movie, the monsters. I don’t want to give too much away; I will say however that the designs were very interesting. Blending and mutating the species was definitely a different choice where in some aspects I felt it worked and others I didn’t. But in the end we got what we asked for. To see a bunch of giant monsters kill and destroy everything in sight. So all in all not a terrible time at the movies.
Rating: 6/10