Trust me this movie is nothing you'd expect it to be!

Sorry to bother you is like a black mirror episode went racial and took some acid.
Honestly I don't even know how to describe this film, much less rate it.
“ If Black Mirror episode went racial and took some Acid. ”
Leaving the theater all I could think was " What the hell did I just see".
Sorry To Disappoint You...
Going into this film I had high hopes, the reviews pouring in were all super positive.
I was genuinely intrigued by this film and had to see what it was all about.
While the acting was and cast was fantastic, the story itself left me perplexed.
By the credits I was confused and slightly mortified by what had transpired. There are some funny moments to provide some much needed tension relief.
" Watch at Your Own Risk. "
I've seen some strange films before this one definitely ranks in the top 5. While I don't discourage anyone from seeing this film, it is not for the faint of heart. You have been warned!