Walking out of The Belko Experiment and all I can think is... What the hell did I just watch? It's not that it was a bad movie or anything. But with the overall subject matter it was definitely one of those one and done type of films for me. There were some humorous parts, but with it being a James Gunn film I guess I was expecting a little more laughs. They definitely got the tension right though. I was about to pass out the first 20 min just waiting for the shit to hit the fan, and it just kept going. You never knew who was next or how.
" So even from a fake f'd up social experiment take it was just a lot to take in. "
Not trying to take things too seriously. But I guess I had a hard time really getting into it and enjoying myself because the whole office massacre thing hit a little too close to home. We hear stories about large shootings and attacks every day in this country. So even from a fake f'd up social experiment take it was just a lot to take in.
But if you're someone that likes messed up humor, death, and "Purge" style violence than this movie is definitely for you. The rest of you I can't necessarily suggest seeing it. As for me, I will probably be watching Parks and Recreation the rest of the night to try and flush my mind of it.
Rating: 6/10