Prepare to be Amazed....

I’m not a fan of musicals. It’s just not my thing, even in the slightest. So I’m probably not the best judge when comes to films in this genre. However I will say that I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie overall.
“ The “modern style” music set in this sort of period piece worked better than I thought it would. ”
The “modern style” music set in this sort of period piece worked better than I thought it would. The songs are definitely catchy and I can imagine this soundtrack doing rather well. Hugh Jackman gave a great performance, even though it was a little weird at first seeing him sing. I know he has a background in theater but after all these years as Wolverine it’s kinda hard to separate the two.
The story was pretty solid pace wise although I’m sure it is severely watered down and romanticized. There’s a lot to the true story of P.T. Barnum that is up for debate especially pertaining to what kind of person he was. But just sticking to what was done with this rendition I found it to be overall entertaining. Maybe a few too many songs in my opinion even by musical standards. Although those who enjoy musicals I feel will most likely walk away with a smile on their face and a song or two stuck in their head.
Rating: 7/10