A beautifully crafted love story at the center of a politically fueled, science fiction noir piece

A beautifully crafted love story at the center of a politically fueled, science fiction noir piece. This in my opinion might be my favorite Guillermo Del Toro movie to date. The cinematography and choice of color tones throughout this film was almost a character in and of itself.
Of course the characters themselves were just as strong if not more so. The fact that our main protagonist was mute for the entire duration of this film. Yet was able to captivate and enchant you in such a way, that it’s just beyond explanation. Sally Hawkins was incredible in this portrayal and while at times may have surprised me in a way I didn’t expect, always delighted when she was on screen.
" Richard Jenkins gave what I think is one of the strongest performances in a supporting role I’ve seen this last year. "
Being the anchor to a main character such as this is no small task. And could have easily put him in an odd spot having to “speak” for them at times. However they managed this amazingly and his presence was so much more than just a translator in the end.
What can I say about Michael Shannon? He just so good at being bad. He will make you hate him, make you uncomfortable and everything else a good villain should. That’s all that really needs to be said about it.
Now before you rush out and see this film I must warn you; it is not for the faint of heart or easily offended. It is by no means a horror film or unnecessarily disgusting in any way.
However being at the helm of a director like Del Toro along with the R rating it does have it’s “out there” moments. But rather than go into spoiler territory will just say that you have been warned.
"With all that said however I would still consider this one of the best of 2017. If you’re a fan of great filmmaking do yourself a favor and see this in the theaters. I think you’ll be glad that you did. "
Rating: 9/10